ich finde, dann sollten sich die da user nicht wundern wenn so etwas passiert, die neuen lesen meistens die basicrules, hier z.b.
:bulletred: You do not need to ask permission to use my stock.
:bulletred: You do not need to send me a message or comment that you used my stock.
:bulletred: You can use my stock outside of DA.
:bulletred: Be creative... using a filter doesn't cut it. Don't depend on your software or hardware to do all the job for you. Strive to do your best and to do better.
:bulletred: My stock is not to be used in any deviation that is a hate work against women, or against any human being, race, religion, sexual orientation or cultural differences.
:bulletred: You have permission to use my stock as part of your print. Before offering an image as a print, be sure you spent time on it, and not just changed colors, contrast, etc.
:bulletred: Give me credit with a direct link to original stock.
:bulletred: My stock is not to be used for the creation of other stock.
und dann richtet man sich dannach. ich habe eben geschaut und ich finde , stefan kann sich darauf berufen...so!