darf ich die stocks von ihr nutzen....schnell,ich hab ne idee....
:bulletred: :police: Stock Rules: :police: :bulletred:
:pointr: Note me when you've used my stock so I can see the result of your work.
:pointr: always credit me with an icon or link, and the name clearly visible *mizzd-stock
:pointr: You are free to use any art work using my stock commercially, and display the art work off DA too (afterall it's your art!)
- but I'd like to know if it's in magazines, or anything printed and covers of any sort though, and where I can buy a specimen)
:pointr: You are not allowed to use my stock as is (without altering it into a new work of art) in any way commercially..
:pointr: Do NOT redistribute my stock anywhere!
:pointr: You are free to display the works outside DA, all I ever ask is to be creditted where possible.
:pointr: Credit is not necessary on 'selling sites' like Ebay, Etsy and the likes
:pointr: Anything else you'd like to know? - Note me..